Saturday, September 13, 2008


Here on the mainland USA we usually say "you" ku-lay-lee. The correct pronunciation is "oo" ku-lay-lee--so it's also "ook" not "uke". So that, at least, explains the name of the blog.

I started playing uke about a year ago, after struggling with classical guitar in college, teaching myself sax at 30, and trying to teach myself electric bass. A friend started on uke and the local community college offered a course, so I thought I'd give it a try. Also, they're fairly cheap. I got my first from a local music store for about $75. It was fine, but there is a little thing called Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome, that must be inoculated into every instrument and I was infected right away. After my year of playing, I've donated the first one and "acquired" five others.

I hope to ramble about my experiences with my ukes and, occasionally, rant or expound on various other topics of interest which may include Buddhism, astronomy and books in general.

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